
Small Business and Your Web Site

Suppose you own a small business, and you’ve decided (or been told) that a Web site would be great for business acquisition.  Are you frustrated with your Web site?  Do you find that you’re trying to hire people who give you conflicting advice, who say things you don’t understand, and cost you a lot of money?  And that you’re not getting the results you expect from your site?

If you were a big company, this wouldn’t be a problem.  You’d have a staff of experts to deal with all aspects of promotion, including your Web site.   Or you might hire an agency to do it, and rely on their phalanx of experts.  You could go visit the agency now and then, have a nice lunch with them, and enjoy a great presentation on all their plans and how well they were doing for you.

But as a small business, you’re on your own.  You can’t afford your own phalanx of experts, and you certainly can’t afford the fancy agency.  Running your business, not only do you have to worry about personnel issues, hiring, production and customer support, you also have to negotiate the lease, buy the equipment, and on and on…you just don’t have the time to learn about the Web and how to be effective in that environment.

We Solve Your Web Site Problems

Web Marketing Advantage was created ten years ago just for you!  In those years we’ve helped many small businesses improve the business performance of their Web sites, from physicians’ offices to custom tailors to vacation rentals to custom manufacturers to specialty food retailers.  Whether your market is local or national, we can get it done for you.  We can get you the business results you expect from your Web site.  And we work at a low fixed monthly cost.

We can improve your Web site’s position in the free  search engine listings that are called organic search, and also manage  pay-per-click advertising to accelerate your search results.  At the same time, we can also use social networks to draw visitors to your site.

If your site is not doing a its job of converting visitors into customers, we can help.  We can work with your Webmaster to identify small changes in your site so that it’s more effective in bringing you business.

This site outlines what we do and how we go about it.  If you’d like to learn more about what we do, subscribe to our free newsletter–we use it to share good ideas about Web marketing.  There’s never a charge and there’s no selling in the newsletter.

If you’d like to take advantage of the remarkable promotional opportunity that the Web offers, get it touch with us, by email or telephone and we can get to work for you!

Web Marketing 101

Our blog is composed of our newsletters.  They’ve been organized by category and form a sort of textbook on Web marketing, based on real experience with clients’ sites.  Take a look at it if there are any areas of Web marketing that pique your curiosity.

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