Submitting Your Site to Directories

Directory Submission

As you know, Google performs most of the Internet searches in the world.  However, even after the large number that Google does, there are many that don’t use Google.  And some of these use various directories of all sort that proliferate on the Internet.  None of them deserves much attention, but it can be worth a few moments of your time to submit your site to a large number of them at once.  Especially for free.

WebHead’s SubmitterBot

The good folks at WebHead Tools have a number of free Web marketing tools.  My favorite is their directory submission tool, called SubmitterBot.  You give it the basic information about your site, just a few categories, a description (which it will try to get by itself from your site) and a few keywords, and it will do the rest.  They will presently submit your site to 505 directories, so providing the basic information to them one time and having them hand it to all these directories is a great time-saver.


Is this the magic bullet that will bring thousands of visitors to your site and make you rich overnight?  No, it’s not.  But in my opinion it’s worth doing one time as part of your Web marketing campaign.

The Bottom Line

Just do it!

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