Tag Archives: End of Dave’s Newsletters

No more ideas

End of Dave’s Posts and Newsletters

End of the Line

The day has finally arrived, I’m hanging it up. After writing this newsletter for more than ten years, presenting you with broad-based ideas and sometimes details, and even the occasional security alert, finally, I’m out of ideas. I sat down to write a newsletter, and nothing at all came to me. After hundreds and hundreds of ideas, having to choose sometimes one topic from maybe ten to write about, finally there are none.

I’ve never heard that writers run out of ideas, that we’re each born with a quota of ideas, and one day they’re all gone.  But that appears to be the case.  I hope you’ve enjoyed this newsletter.  Now I wish that when I had so many ideas, I had written down more of them, instead of just writing about what I thought was the best topic.  Had I done that, I’d likely still have plenty of newsletters to write!

I continue to teach–of course, when you teach an established subject, one can argue that you’re presenting the ideas of others, so you don’t need to have new ideas.  I’m hoping that I don’t need any new ideas for teaching.  Or perhaps I’ve run out only of post ideas, and maybe there are a few teaching ideas left in the reservoir.  We’ll see.

The Bottom Line

Best wishes in all that you do, I hope that I’ve helped you along the way.

April 1, 2018

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